Laney Black Country Customs The Difference Engine Delay Pedal
LaneyThe Difference Engine superbly emulates three classic eras of delay. Its powerful processor then allows you to manipulate time by combining featu...
Ver todos los detallesT-Rex Binson Echorec Delay
T-RexIt’s not easy to reinvent forgotten technology, but after many years of research, we found the lost secrets and brought back the authentic echoes f...
Ver todos los detallesT-Rex Replay Box Delay
T-RexT-Rex have had many requests for a more straight sounding delay pedal that is clearer and more true to the incoming guitar signal. By using new har...
Ver todos los detallesT-Rex Replica True Stereo Tap Delay
T-RexT-Rex Effects is proud to announce that the legendary Replica Delay is back with an even larger and more powerful “engine”, but still delivers the ...
Ver todos los detallesT-Rex Replicator D'Luxe Tape Delay
T-RexREPLICATOR D’LUXE TAPE ECHO The Replicator D’Luxe is a sum up from all the knowledge, we have built up over the years, making Tape delays. It is a ...
Ver todos los detallesT-Rex Replicator Module Tape Echo Studio Delay
T-RexREPLICATOR MODULAR FORMAT Re-Designed. Re-Engineered. Re-Housed. The Replicator Module uses much of the same technology of the ”stompbox” version, ...
Ver todos los detallesT-Rex Soulmate Acoustic Effect Board
T-RexALL-IN-ONE ACOUSTIC PEDAL BOARD Having some cool effects at your disposal when playing your acoustic instrument can highlight your performance and...
Ver todos los detallesTeisco Delay Pedal
TeiscoTeisco Delay Pedal Description: The Teisco Delay celebrates everything beloved about analog delays — dark, warm repeats and the ability to cascade...
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